PIBID, Pedagogical residency, School physical education, Teacher education, ComplexityAbstract
The objective of this investigation is to explain how four teachers-researchers re-elaborate their own teaching knowledge by sharing the analysis of practices that have been carried out in three field-schools linked to PIBID and to the pedagogical residency in Fortaleza. Practical argumentation has the potential to reveal assumptions that teachers have about values, experiences, conditions and contexts of teaching work. However, when confronting these premises, contradictions in pedagogical practices can be evidenced. Methodologically, based on qualitative self-confrontation procedures, we compared the narratives of two preceptors of the pedagogical residency and two supervisors from PIBID in the physical education subproject at the Universidade Federal do Ceará. The results indicate the predominance of experiential knowledge of teachers and converging dialogic aspects, which refer to the Freirean perspective in physical education classes. We identified that by making the teachers’ practical arguments explicit, their teacher education process is shared and fosters new reflections. We believe that this teacher education process becomes permanent, being incorporated into the dialogic perspective of teachers, although their connections with the institutional programs are transitory and temporary. We conclude that this is a qualitative advance resulting from the collaboration in the analysis of practices in the two programs.
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