
Mots-clés :

Sexually Transmitted Infections, Health education, Sex Education, Students


This study aims to analyze, in the scientific literature, students' knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections and present teaching strategies in sex education aimed at Sexually Transmitted Infections in Basic Education schools. Thus, this is an integrative literature review carried out in the PUBMED, SCIELO and LILACS databases from September to October 2021. The PRISMA flowchart was used for the selection of studies. The final scope consisted of 13 studies that were critically analyzed and stratified into two categories for data analysis: students' knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections; Interventions in sex education and their effectiveness for the knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections. Therefore, it is understood that the review identified that adolescent students had a deficit of knowledge about Sexually Transmitted Infections and that the interventions, despite having used several methodological approaches, they had similar aspects, as they contributed to the acquisition of knowledge by the target audience.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Marcelo Silva Alves, University Technician at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Master in Teaching, Language and Society from the State University of Bahia.

Ricardo Franklin de Freitas Mussi, Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Collective Health and in the Graduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctor in Physical Education by the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Member of the International Center for Studies in Human Rights, Education, Culture and Health.


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Comment citer

Alves, M. S., & Mussi, R. F. de F. (2023). SEXUAL EDUCATION AND SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS IN SCHOOL STUDENTS: AN INTEGRATIVE REVIEW. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e15715. Consulté à l’adresse




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