

Physical Activity, Volleyball, Physical Education and Sports, Leisure


University extensions are actions developed in higher education that offer students the opportunity to build bridges between theoretical knowledge and practice, resulting in benefits for the extensionist and the community involved. Therefore, the objective is to report the teaching experience of a student of the Physical Education (PE) course in volleyball classes held in the university extension project “UESB in Motion: physical activity in health promotion for the internal and external community of UESB”. Descriptive study about the interventions of a PE course student responsible for volleyball classes held in the multisport court of UESB in 2018, in the project "UESB in Motion: physical activity in health promotion", under the supervision of the coordinators of said course. The extension was offered to the institution's internal and external community, in the female and male categories, as well as initiation and income, three times a week, through the situational method. The monitoring of the participants was carried out through observation, inquiry and understanding of the situation by the student himself. The participation of the community in the project allowed the PE student experiences in planning, teaching and relating to the participants, as it was necessary to adapt the methodological strategies to each group. The extension also stimulated the continuous search for books, magazines and articles that would provide improvements in classes, which caused an increase in the demand for vacancies in this modality.


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Author Biographies

Adriano Almeida Souza, Specialist in Sports Training from University Center Leonardo da Vinci

Licensed and Bachelor in Physical Education.

Lucas dos Santos, Doctoral student in Health Sciences at the Postgraduate Program in Nursing and Health at the State University of Southwest Bahia

Scholarship from the Research Support Foundation of Bahia. Member of the Center for Studies in the Epidemiology of Aging and of the Research Group on Health, Physiology and Physical Activity.

Cláudio Bispo de Almeida, Professor at the State University of Bahia

Doctor of Health Sciences at the Postgraduate Program in Nursing and Health at the State University of Southwest Bahia.


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How to Cite

Souza, A. A. ., Oliveira, N. S. ., Caires, S. da S. ., Santos, L. dos ., & Almeida, C. B. de . (2021). UNIVERSITY EXTENSION PROJECT: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT ON VOLLEYBALL TEACHING. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e10717. Retrieved from



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