Mots-clés :
Digital educational games, Mental calculus, Mathematics education, Reversibility, Inverse operations.Résumé
Based on the concepts of reversibility and mental calculus and believing in the potential of digital games for mathematical learning, we report, in this article, an experience developed with students from the Final Years of Elementary School, when they played and evaluated a digital educational game of mathematical content called Fazendinha Matemática. Within a qualitative approach we analyze the experience obtaining as results that the game allowed to explore and stimulate the perception of students about the relationships that the multiplication and division operations have one as inverse of the other; stimulate mental calculus; make them identify the mathematics present in the game; evaluate their interest in the game and suggest changes to make it even more attractive. We conclude that one way to help students understand inverse operations and, therefore, the concept of reversibility, is to insert them into rich environments, exploring mental calculus and making use of didactic resources, as is the case of educational typing games.
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