Newspaper Brado Conservador, Scientific knowledge, Press potiguar, Professional educationAbstract
This article aims to investigate the social developments arising from the insertion of the Rio Grande do Sul press in the 19th century, relating them to the bibliographic-academic production on the newspaper Brado Conservador and to investigate the consequences of its insertion in the North Rio-Grandense society. It was also sought to analyze the use of the newspaper as a source in the discourse of scientific knowledge in academic works. In this sense, the methodology adopted is qualitative research and discourse analysis, based on the reading and interpretation of five studies that talk about the theme, such as: Brito (2016), Burgardt (2014), Maciel (2017), Morais (2000) and Medeiros (2011). In view of this, it was observed that the newspaper Brado Conservador developed, focusing on five research areas: education, social and gender movements, drought, work and slavery.
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