Physical Education, Language, Elementary SchoolAbstract
This research aims to understand the idea of Physical Education as a curricular component of Language by teachers of elementary school II of the public school system in the city of Nova Cruz, Rio Grande do Norte. For this, we opted for the qualitative approach with exploratory and descriptive types of research. As an instrument for data collection, a questionnaire was applied via the Google Forms online platform, which was answered by 5 Physical Education teachers in the city of Nova Cruz/RN. From the answers of the responding professionals, dialogues were raised according to the available literature that deal with questions involving the theme. It was verified a limited understanding, on the part of the professors, about the insertion of the Physical Education curricular component in the field of Language, which, although some professionals are aware of this insertion, it was not possible to identify, from the listed answers, the reasons that led Physical Education to be in this area. There was also a strong proximity between the curricular component and the field of Natural Sciences, based on responses that treat the body as a uniquely biological being. Furthermore, in relation to Physical Education as a Language through an interdisciplinary perspective with the components of the area in question, there was a lack of practical proposals developed by professionals in their fields of activity, which, in turn, strengthens the distancing of Education Physics of the Language Niche.
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