Digital Technologies, Mathematics Teaching, Elementary School, Constructionist TheoryAbstract
The proposal to develop educational robotics activities is a trend which has been growing more and more in several countries, including Brazil. The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) makes reference from computational thinking to the Mathematics curricular component, highlighting the algorithms and their flowcharts for algebraic language approaching. The objective was to teach some basic elements such as point, vertex, angles and straight lines of plane geometry in the Final Years of Elementary School, integrated with the resources of educational robotics. Data were collected from a sequence of activities structured in four stages with 13 meetings, based on the theoretical foundations of Constructionism. At each stage practical activities were proposed that sought to identify whether the interaction with educational robotics artifacts enhances the development of mathematical skills suggested by the BNCC at this teaching stage. The activities were carried out with 11 sixth and seventh year Elementary School students from a public school of Erechim (RS), who participated in educational robotics extracurricular activities offered by the education system. Data analysis enabled to observe that the vast majority of those involved had little or no prior knowledge about the teaching objects presented during the activities. It is concluded that educational robotics provides the active involvement of students as it provides a playful and favorable environment for research, in addition to favoring the development of logical reasoning, creativity and teamwork.
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