

Teaching Geography, Geographical Reasoning, Agricultural Family School, Place and Landscape Category


Thinking about the meaning of teaching and learning geographically is fundamental to understand the dimensions of reality and has to do with the way we look at the world, the perceptions we build when we teach Geography. The article discusses the results of a work carried out at Agricultural Family School (EFA) Dom Fragoso, sharpening our lenses to analyze how we are reasoning geographically, for this we are highlighting that three dynamics were carried out in Geography classes with the 1st and 2nd grades of 2022 in order to understand this construction. We bring as examples the three dynamics that were: The drawing of sketches of the communities, the mental map and the photograph, which help in the construction of a geographical reasoning. The work was carried out through a qualitative approach, which will allow a significant understanding of what is proposed. In dialogue with this work, we highlight the following authors, CALLAI (2005), CAVALCANTI (2019), GUSMÃO (2021), STRAFORINI (2018). We can conclude that reasoning geographically starts with a school work and remains for life, this is what should to think about doing in the classroom: an everyday, spatial, planned Geography that dialogues with a consistent theoretical and practical bases.


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Author Biographies

Idelzuith Souza Borges, Master's student in Teaching at the State University of Southwest Bahia - Brazil

Graduated in Geography from the University Vale do Acaraú. Teacher at Dom Fragoso Agricultural Family School in Independência. Member of the GEISER Research Group, Innovation, teaching support and teaching resources

Adriana David Ferreira Gusmão, Professor in the Graduate Program in Teaching at the State University of Southwest Bahia - Brazil

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe. Leader of the GEISER Study and Research Group - Innovation, teaching support and teaching resources.


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CALLAI, H. C. Aprendendo a ler o mundo: a geografia nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Cadernos Cedes, v.25, n.66, p. 227-247, 2005.

CAVALCANTI, L. de S. Pensar pela Geografia: ensino e relevância social. Goiânia: C& Alfa Comunicação, 2019.

GUSMÃO, A. D. F. Planejamento no ensino do raciocínio geográfico: a espacialidade prevista no plano de aula, 7., 2021, Campinas. Anais do VII Encontro Regional de Ensino de Geografia e III Workshop de Cartografia e novos Letramentos. Campinas-SP: BCCL/UNICAMP, 2021. p. 114-120.

STRAFORINI, R. O ensino de Geografia como prática espacial de significação. Revista Estudos Avançados, v.32, n.93, p. 175-195, 2018.



How to Cite

Borges, I. S., & Gusmão, A. D. F. (2023). GEOGRAPHICAL REASONING ABOUT THE PLACE AND THE LANDSCAPE IN EFA DOM FRAGOSO. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e15639. Retrieved from



Experience Report