Education, Education, Higer, Martial Arts, Education, DistanceAbstract
This study aimed to describe the experience of planning and executing an online event demonstrating fights in higher education. It took place in October 2020 remotely on the IES channel on the Youtube platform, through the realization of lives. The event arose from the following needs: compliance with the menu; maintenance of pandemic-related care; and guarantee of the teaching process. The promotion of this event proved to be important in this period, as it managed to involve students, professor, guests and speakers of the struggles who were able to demonstrate the characteristics of their arts, addressing historical aspects and basic foundations. It is observed that this event fulfilled: the role of encouraging the practice of physical exercise in this pandemic moment; it enabled the expansion of knowledge about the presented modalities; interaction between students, professors, speakers and the community in general; and, it was considered a good teaching strategy for this period by the students and the professor responsible for the event.
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