The Cognitive Analysis International Journal - RIANCO is an annual, thematic journal, intended to disseminate the scientific production of professors, researchers and students from the institutions involved and the partnerships established in the areas that make up the DMMDC - Multi-institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Dissemination of Knowledge (UNEB, LNCC, UEFS, IFBA, UFBA, SENAI/CIMATEC). RIAnCo has its origins in the Cognitive Analysis component and is created in the institutional base of the University of the State of Bahia through the Education and Regional Development Research Center (CPEDR) integrating multi-referential research groups in Knowledge Diffusion.

The aim of the journal is to be a vehicle for the dissemination of unpublished research related to the field of knowledge of Cognitive Analysis in Knowledge Diffusion.

RIAnCo is aimed at a wider audience from different multi-referential learning spaces (EMA), which operate in the areas of  Cognition, Languages ​​and Information; Communication and Management; Culture, Transversality, Intersectionality and (in)information; Technologies and Related Areas.

Fróes Burnham (2000) calls “learning spaces” those places that intentionally articulate learning processes (immaterial production of subjectivities and knowledge - schools, universities, research institutes) and work (material production of goods and services - workplaces, service agencies, cultural groups, actions of political and social movements). For the author, there is, increasingly, an interpenetration between these two forms of learning organizations.
The journal's publication policy is free submission  and publication of manuscripts.

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Dossiê Temático: Memórias e Narrativas da pesquisa em Análise Cognitiva Polilógica em Difusão do Conhecimento da Revista Internacional de Análise Cognitiva.

Revista Internacional de Análise Cognitiva - RIANCO

ISSN 2965-5110

Esse novo volume da RIANCO aborda Análise Cognitiva a partir de  resultados de pesquisa cientificas (CAPES, Repositórios Institucionais e etc.) gerando artigos abordando as temáticas relacionadas a  Análise Cognitiva (AnCo) como campo de conhecimento no cenário das ciências cognitivas, teoriação polilógica, suas origens, constituição e desdobramentos.  O estado da arte do campo da Análise Cognitiva nas principais bases de conhecimento acadêmico-científico. A Análise Cognitiva na pesquisa em difusão do conhecimento.

Published: 2024-06-21

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