Podcast, Desinformation, Politics, Media education, Check factsAbstract
The text reports the experience developed in an Extension Project, at the university level, under the coordination of two professors of the Journalism course. The activity consisted of producing, capturing and editing a podcast, with a pre-defined thematic axis, supported by critical and scientific reflection on audio journalism and media education in the current media context and within the scope of laboratory education. The first edition was about disinformation, verification and data checking and the second version was about politics and citizenship. It obtained, as results, the collective and horizontal execution of the project, the media production and publication in digital spaces of the content, popularizing technical-scientific knowledge, in addition to critical reflection on the educational role of communicators and social responsibility of the media in contemporary times.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Sbeghen Hoff, Cristiane de Lima Barbosa, Julia Maria Barroso da Silva, Paloma Martins de Melo, Andrya Pietra Garrido de Souza

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