Fake news, National curricular common base, Critical competence, Mathematical literacy, MultiliteracyAbstract
This article analyzes the guidelines of the National Common Curriculum Base (NBCC), discussing approaches on the theme of Fake News in Basic Education. For such, a qualitative documentary research methodology was adopted to analyze the dissemination of information with distorted meaning, in order to discuss possibilities of approaching the theme in Basic Education. The theoretical lenses adopted were the movement of Critical Mathematics Education by Skovsmose (2013) and the competencies indicated by the framework proposed by Unesco (WILSON et. al, 2013), which culminated in the formalization of the curriculum in media and information literacy (MIL). As a result, the need to focus on emerging phenomena is evident, in which teachers and students demand the development of new literacies and multilearning from a critical curriculum. The development of media and information literacy and mathematical literacy is suggested through a path containing some steps within the scope of mathematics and other areas of knowledge that have been shown to be inseparable for the critical analysis of the information that is disseminated.
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