Body practices of adventure, School, Social representationsAbstract
This article presents the results of an exploratory descriptive research, whose objective was to identify and analyze the impact of Physical Education classes on social representations, through the free word association test applied to students of the 4th year of elementary school about the adventure body practices. Eleven classes were considered, whose theme was body practices of adventure. The free word association test was applied before the first class and after the last one. It was possible to infer that the social representations of adventure body practices before the interventions were associated with traditional sports, while in the test after the interventions, associations with mountaineering and climbing were revealed. It was concluded that changes in the structure of social representations point to signs of alterations in the meaning attributed to adventure body practices that seem to have been re-signified by the impact of classes.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Felipe da Silva Triani, Renato Cavalcanti Novaes, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior, Jairo Antônio da Paixão, Silvio de Cassio Costa Telles
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