University education, Students, Mental healthAbstract
This article goal is to know the profile of itinerant students on Uneb's IV Campus with regard to the impacts of this condition in your mental well being and in aspects of your academic life. Of quantitative character, the data collection instrument was configured as an online questionnaire, answered by 111 students, through the messaging app Whatsapp to the students from different semesters of the courses of Letters - English Language and Literature and Portuguese Language and Literature, Geography, History, Physical Education and Law, from the Humanities Department from the University of the state of Bahia- UNEB, which reside 17 different locations and where is the campus. With regard to roaming, it's observed that there is a growing concern in front of difficulties related to the path - as danger on the road, lack of security of the vehicles used - which, associated with academic activities aggravate the physical and mental tiredness. The sleep, feed and the lack of time to stay with family and friends reflect on the significant anxiety symptomatology. It is concluded that the path taken by the student itineraries to the University has significant impacts on their lives emotionally and academically, implyings signs and symptoms predecessors of common mental disorders, as anxiety, fatigued, insomnia and headache. Therefore, it's necessary a better understanding on the part of the University of needs and peculiarities of these people in view of the guarantee of permanence and training quality.
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