Socio-educational measures, Social emancipation, Schooling, WorkAbstract
Throughout the socialization process, work and education became important references for the emotional, ethical and cognitive development of each person. Transforming itself into a consolidated social base, in main activities and in the defining elements, even if not exclusive, as the meaning of life. Because of this, the lack of work and study, also assume an essential role. In this research, we sought to investigate whether, based on the opportunities offered by the National Social-Educational Service, the teenager is able to articulate a perspective of life in which he/she is not led to new conflicts with the law. This is a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study with the collaboration of 13 adolescents, aged between 12 and 18 years old. The results indicated significant categories for the adolescent’s self-organization in complying with the measure and, in this text, the focus is on the category: work and education. It was found, in this research, that teenagers who exercise some paid and lawful activity, start to acquire trust and respect for their family and peers. This is how it happens with those who receive the opportunity to continue their studies, such as professional training courses, begin to see an opportunity to build a new perspective on life.
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