Emergency Remote Teaching, Didactics, Learning Trails, Initial TrainingAbstract
The pandemic caused by COVID-19, in the year 2020, had devastating effects in the economic, political and structural spheres in the country and in the world. Such a crisis affects one of the ways in which we live, learn, behave, interact, consume, work and produce knowledge. We had an abrupt interruption of classes at the university in the 2020.1 semester. Thus, for five months, we restructured the community and curricular plans and ordinances of our academic unit. Against this backdrop, the present work aims to present and use a methodology used in the Didactics disciplines. The methodology was based on the experience report and considered a proposal built by a working group called the Didactics WG, formed by 13 teachers in this area. This experience report considers the experiences lived in the first half of Pandemic, that is, 2020.1. Based on studies and conferences, the teachers of the Didactics WG built the proposal for a Learning Trail. This proposal consists of the access, reflection and systematization of four non-linear trails that started from the following questions: What is Didactics? What is the School's social function? What is the importance of planning? What are the characteristics of a class? The trails were covered individually or in groups by students, using synchronous or asynchronous form, seeking to prioritize flexibility and inclusion, without losing focus on the quality of debates and training activities.
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