What do Mathematics teachers think about the textbook: from the selection process to its use as a teaching resource

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Daniel Fernandes da Silva


The textbook is one of the most used pedagogical resources in the teaching and learning process in the Brazilian school context, including a specific program instituted through public policy for more than twenty years: the National Book and Teaching Material Program (PNLD). In this field of dispute, there are the Basic Education teachers who are part of the process of choosing the material that arrives (or should arrive) in schools. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze the perceptions of Mathematics teachers about the process of choosing the textbook and its use in the classroom, including during remote teaching, a modality motivated and conditioned in the country because of the pandemic crisis. For that, this research with descriptive qualitative characteristic (GIL, 2002), used for data collection questionnaires that were applied to a group of 21 Mathematics teachers from the state and municipal schools of a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, working in the Basic education. The results show that teachers recognize themselves as essential agents in the process of choosing didactic material, assuming this responsibility and requiring greater space and freedom in this selection, since the textbook is still a resource widely used by teachers.


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How to Cite
Silva, D. F. da. (2022). What do Mathematics teachers think about the textbook: from the selection process to its use as a teaching resource . Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 3(01), e202205. https://doi.org/10.47207/rbem.v3i01.14757
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Author Biography

Daniel Fernandes da Silva, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Professor do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico do Instituto Federal Farroupilha, campus São Borja (IFFar). Doutor em Educação.


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