
Mots-clés :

Textbook, Feminist Movement, Teaching Geography


This research promotes reflections on the representation of feminist movements in the #contatoGeografia textbook, used in schools in the Alto Sertão of Bahia, part of the National Program Textbook (NPT) of the year 2018. Content analysis was the methodological approach through which readings and analyzes of the aforementioned collection were carried out, seeking as an a priori category the social movements, and due to the relevance of the agendas, the feminist movement established itself as a necessary category, selected after. Given what was observed, a demonstrative table was produced in which the collected data were analyzed, tabulated and recorded, then inferences were made about the category in question and its representation. We observed that, although feminist movements are somehow represented in the work, they are rarely mentioned and in a superficial way. Aware of the influence of textbooks on school education and, consequently, on human formation as a whole, it is understood that the little space given to feminist movements is a denunciation of the still incipient policy of diversity and gender equality in the brazilian educational system.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Iago Gabriel Araújo Santos, Graduating in Geography from the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Scientific Initiation Scholarship by the Research Support Foundation of the State of Bahia. Member of the Study and Research Group in Geography Education and Teaching.

Glauber Barros Alves Costa, Professor at the Posgraduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctor in Education by the Federal University of São Carlos. Member of the Study and Research Group in Geography Education and Teaching.

Ana Luiza Salgado Cunha, Professor at the State University of Southwest Bahia - Brazil

Post-Doctorate by the Graduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia. Member of the Study and Research Group in Geography Education and Teaching.

Gabriela Silveira Rocha, Professor at the Posgraduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Sergipe. Member of the Study and Research Group in Geography Education and Teaching.


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Comment citer

Araújo Santos, I. G., Barros Alves Costa, G. ., Salgado Cunha, A. L. ., & Silveira Rocha, G. (2023). THE FEMINIST MOVEMENTS IN TEXTBOOK OF GEOGRAPHY: UNDER-REPRESENTATION OR PRESCRIPTION?. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e14821. Consulté à l’adresse

