
Mots-clés :

Double exceptionality, Cerebral palsy, Literary absence, Myths


By looking at the history of people with disabilities, we can see how these individuals have suffered with exclusion over time, and in the 21st century we realize that this reality is no different, they continue to fight for society to see them beyond disability and to recognize their talents. Therefore, this work aims to make a reflection on Double Exceptionality with Cerebral Palsy. For this, firstly, the concepts involved are presented with the objective of bringing knowledge and changing the look on students who have cerebral palsy, in addition to knowing how to identify high skills or giftedness in their profile. From this context, the work also has as prerogative to make a literary survey in Scielo bases (Scientifique Eletronic Library Online), Periódicos CAPES and BVS (Virtual Health Base) in the period of 15 years. With the results obtained, we found an absence of literature in relation to high abilities or giftedness concerning the individual with cerebral palsy. It is observed throughout this article that the driving force for this absence is the lack of knowledge on the subject, the prejudice that was culturally inserted into society and the myths that complicate the accurate diagnosis and identification of a person with dual exceptionality by disbelief in the possibility of an individual with cerebral palsy also having high abilities or giftedness.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Ivani da Silva Soares, Master's Student in Diversity and Inclusion at Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Science and Applications research group.

Thiago Correa Lacerda, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Diversity and Inclusion at Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doctor in Physics from the Fluminense Federal University. Professor at the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Science and Applications research group.

Ana Carolyna Cerqueira Alves, Master's Student in Diversity and Inclusion at Universidade Federal Fluminense

Member of the Science and Applications research group.


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Comment citer

Soares, I. da S., Lacerda, T. C. ., & Alves, A. C. C. . (2021). HIGH ABILITIES OR GIFTEDNESS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY: INDICATION OF LITERARY ABSENCE. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e11752. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/11752



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