Teaching work, Salary, Work conditionsAbstract
This research has as object of study the conditions of teaching work in the city of Serrolândia/Bahia, focusing on the analysis of salary remuneration and career satisfaction. This, highlights the need to reflect on the working conditions of teachers, contributes to the construction of public educational policies and, consequently, the improvement of the teaching and learning process, understanding, therefore, salary remuneration and career satisfaction, as indicators that directly affect working conditions. From a methodological point of view, we opted for a quantitative (Survey) and qualitative (Field Study) approach, using a questionnaire (semi-structured). We use analysis statistics and critical analysis as data analysis techniques. Our collaborating subjects were teachers of basic education in public education in the urban and rural areas of the municipal network of the city of Serrolândia/Bahia. We obtained, as main results, a high index of professors whose remuneration is up to 2 indexed, as well as, most of the interviewees consider themselves dissatisfied with the salary remuneration and with the career, considering their incompatible/unfair remuneration.
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