Chesf, School life, Memoirs, NarrativesAbstract
The advent of the Companhia Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco - Chesf with the purpose of exploring the river and producing hydroelectric energy for the Northeast of Brazil, spurred a modernization project in the city of Paulo Afonso - BA, based on the construction of an urban center, with emphasis on the development of civilizing modes through actions of school institutions. For this reason, the present study deals with the research movement with memories of teachers, in order to highlight the work with narratives as a way to understand the nuances of school routine. The study is located in the field of History of Education, with a discursive basis in the methodological approach of Oral History. The considerations made show that memories are permeated with meanings that make it possible to reconstruct the past of educational work carried out with children in schools, based on a disciplinary project that conducts children's experiences at the heart of a city under construction. The work with memories and narratives enhances the subjectivities of the school routine, emitting the singular characterization of a certain period.
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