Playful, affectivity, learning.Abstract
The concept of playfulness is not based on a simple passage of time without supports for play, but in the sense that play, play and toy and affectivity are fundamental components in the teachinglearning process, perceiving them as promoters of meaningful learning. Thus, the general objective of this work will be to understand the main aspects that are relevant in the child's learning, highlighting the playfulness and affectivity in education, taking into consideration psychoanalytical assumptions, as well as drawing the main role that the school plays in function of the child. I teach learning. We understand that, in the process of assimilation, the child not only receives stimuli, but also decodes them, reworks them. Accommodation is understood as a stage that predisposes the subject to new phases of assimilation. Affection is the qualitative expression of the amount of drive energy and its variations. Psychic development occurs through the elaboration of emotional experiences from birth. Therefore, we believe that the affective and cognitive aspects form a pair and thus inseparable. Starting from the assumption of school life, in all its stages and peculiarities, students need to experience moments that potentially generate growth, which should have affectively significant implications for their pedagogical performance. The playful action allows children to explore their potential, based on imagination and creativity.Downloads
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