

Distance learning education, Social networks, Digital education


This work aims to present data between 2012 and 2018 on the progress of the DLE, in relation to its network of users, divided here by age group, being a classificatory research, and the relevance of social medias and their influence on the advancement of DLE in interaction among users, aiming to obtain and analyze data from the inclusion of these users in DLE and the positive participation of social medias in this process of reception, dissemination and use as a digital inclusion tool. The data collected comes from statistical research of sources via the web and public educational content (DLE Census). We seek in this work to acquire concrete data to understand and classify this reconciliation of social medias with DLE, with a view to advancing in this area. For this, we brought as a theoretical basis, renowned authors in the area, such as Leffa and Freire (2013) and Shirky (2011). The methodology was based on: (i) data collection regarding the progress of DLE and the use of social medias in the country; (ii) data analysis and (iii) classification of users according to age, school level and profile as a user of social medias. As final results, we see that the age group of the largest users in DLE is the same of the largest users connected in social medias, thus associating the division of connected time between both, arguing that social networks have added to DLE, being a facilitator and an intermediary to the education.


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Author Biography

Diogo Oliveira da Silva, Mestrando em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Brasil

Graduado em Letras Português/Espanhol. 


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How to Cite

da Silva, D. O. (2021). DLE AND SOCIAL MEDIAS: HOW TO RECONCILE THEM. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e7549. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/7549



Thematic Dossier