Transtorn of attention and hypertability deficit (TDAH) in education
Students. Learning. School. Teachers. TDAH.Abstract
The present research aims to inform and disseminate the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), for educators, students and families in the quest to alleviate learning problems and discuss the importance of literacy at the right age. The general objective of the study is to analyze the problems caused, especially in learning related to the disorder, causing deficiencies in reading and writing, detected mostly in children between 6 and 8 years of age. In this sense, descriptions about the conceptualization, that characterize the disorder, diagnosis and treatment are described throughout this work. The results obtained suggest that the professionals of the education do not know the problem and do not know how to handle when they are present in the classroom, students diagnosed or in need of report for ADHD. The questionnaires were applied with fifty-four teachers from three schools, one in the rural area, the other in the center, and a third in the periphery, all of the municipal network of the city of Mossoró-RN. Given the data analysis, it was observed that the teachers of these educational institutions know little or nothing about the existence of the disorder and the characteristics that most describe these children. And, even more serious, it is not knowing how to differentiate the excessive behavior of these children from other habits such as bad education or student willpower. So the research shows the importance of such discussions.Downloads
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