Digital games and executive functions in schoolchildren with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): some reflections
Digital games. Executive Functions. ADHD.Abstract
In this article we seek to reflect on the digital games and the possibilities of development of the Executive Functions (FE) in schoolchildren with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We followed a qualitative approach and carried out a literature review from texts produced in the period from 2012 to 2018. To this end, we selected some researchers who study digital games and the development of Executive Functions in students with ADHD, studies by Alves (2016); Tourinho, Bonfim and Alves (2016); Rodrigues (2014), who discuss the use of games as a resource for the development of FE, from a neuropsychological perspective. The authors point out in their research that the mediated integration of digital games into the classroom everyday can enable other paths for students' learning and, consequently, to extend the development of Executive Functions in students who have ADHD, compared to the technological context current. Digital games are not the only resources that can contribute to the development of EFs in schoolchildren with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder, but studies suggest that they can help children advance from their contributions to performance of the executive abilities of their neuronal functioning, once mediated by teachers who plan their actions and have well defined goals.Downloads
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