Blackness, Anti-racism, LiteracyAbstract
This work focuses on the theorization of negritude as a space for identity struggle, drawing on the conceptual voices of authors such as Fanon, Souza, Cida Bento, and Nascimento. By articulating these voices with literacy theory, the aim is to reflect on how this relationship can contribute to a critical analysis of Brazilian society and the racist relations that are still tied to current practices and discourses. In this line of dialogue, the goal is to create environments in which Brazilian black cultures and identities can be valued, disconnected from a merely assistentialist view, and focused on a perspective of empowerment. In thi s sense, there are different ways of valuing negritude, unlinked from Eurocentric values, which can underpin modes of action and social positions. To this end, the valorization of spaces for black voice and presence is essential for the development of antiracist discourses, practices, and identities.
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