School assessment, Teaching and learning, Curricular justice, Social justiceAbstract
The teaching-learning evaluation process was studied, investigating how the search for and application of curricular justice materializes by transforming the school curriculum into an instrument to reduce inequalities. In addition to the bibliographic research, a case study was carried out, based on a sample from a school in the Municipal Network of Propriá/SE, bringing results from an investigation carried out with professionals from this unit, which highlighted the methods used in the classroom, with the aim of collaborating to improve the quality of teaching. The study revealed the methods used in the classroom, with the goal of contributing to the improvement of the quality of education. The theoretical framework draws on contributions from authors such as Arroyo (2011), Caldeira (2000), Fraser (2009), Freitas (1995), Giovedi (2016), Haydt (1997), Libâneo (1994), Luckesi (1998, 2002), Méndez (2002), Perrenoud (1999), Rohling and Valle (2016), Santomé (2013), Santos (2003), Smith (2005), Vasconcelos (1994), and Villas-Boas (1998). As a result, the necessity for professionals to utilize diverse assessment instruments was recognized, aiming not only for the measurement of knowledge through grades and concepts, but also considering the specificities of each student. Furthermore, it was observed that school assessment plays a crucial role in analyzing students' progress and learning. Additionally, it was found that curricular justice can be achieved by adopting appropriate assessment procedures in the teaching and learning process, thus realizing the social role of the school as established in our Constitution, and thereby materializing the principles of social justice within the educational context.
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