

Socio-educational measures, Citizenship, human emancipation, capital


In this investigation, we aimed to answer the following question: What are the implicit objectives of the resocialization of adolescents in conflict with the law? In order to reach the answer, we listed as a general objective to analyze the socio-educational measures aimed at adolescents in conflict with the law in the context of the capital, and as specific objectives to characterize the development of the history of Social Education in Brazil and, specifically, in the resocialization of adolescents in conflict with the law; highlight the relationship between Social Education and poverty; and, finally, unveiling the objectives of socio-educational measures based on the Child and Adolescent Statute (Brasil, 1990). The exposition of this research object was developed based on historical-dialectical materialism, as proposed by Tonet (2013). In this way, we start from the understanding that this is located in an objective totality that influences our object, shaping it according to the historical and social characteristics in which it is found, that is, the society governed by the interests of capital and configured by capitalist sociability. From this investigation it was possible to conclude that resocialization, in this perspective, constitutes an attempt to remodel the offender adolescent in order to refit him in the standards of the current social organization, namely, the society of classes, reallocating him in his group social origin. Therefore, it presents itself as an education for conformism (Santos, 2020); a conformation with the state of things.


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Author Biography

Maria Escolástica de Moura Santos, Professora no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Piauí - Brasil

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Líder do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação e Emancipação Humana


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How to Cite

de Moura Santos, M. E., & Lemos, J. A. de A. (2024). RESOCIALIZATION OF ADOLESCENTS IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAW: CITIZEN EDUCATION AS A REPRODUCER OF CAPITAL. Cenas Educacionais, 7, e18128. Retrieved from

