

Webcast, Women's Health, Embryonic and Fetal Development


This article aims to develop and validate the content of a podcast on the physiological changes of pregnancy and the stages of embryonic and fetal human development. This is a methodological study. To that end, the following steps were taken: defining the set of objectives for the podcast; reviewing the scientific literature; planning and drafting the content of the podcast; reviewing the content of the podcast; validating the content of the podcast; and recording, editing and distributing the podcast. A total of eleven judges evaluated 39 items for objectivity, clarity and relevance. Only two items were not validated in the first evaluation and were submitted to a second evaluation with the recommended adjustments. After this second stage, all the items managed to achieve a CVI (Content Validity Index) of over 0.80. The podcast episodes are published and available online, ensuring reliable, quality information for pregnant women. It is therefore hoped that the podcast will contribute to improving health practices, care and guidance for users both in the local health network and at national level.


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Author Biographies

Fábio Henrique Pereira Saldanha, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Master in Education, Work and Innovation in Medicine

Jardel Pessoa Medeiros, Medical student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Scientific Initiation Scholarship

Marianne Cavalcanti Nascimento Dias, Medical student at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Technological Initiation Scholarship

Liliane Pereira Braga, Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education, Work and Innovation in Medicine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Doctorate in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

Rafael Barros Gomes da Câmara, Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education, Work and Innovation in Medicine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Doctorate in Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Raphael Raniere de Oliveira Costa, Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Education, Work and Innovation in Medicine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Brazil

Doctorate of Nursing from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


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How to Cite

Saldanha, F. H. P., Medeiros, J. P., Dias, M. C. N., Braga, L. P., Câmara, R. B. G. da, & Costa, R. R. de O. (2024). PODCAST AS A TOOL INFORMATIVE ABOUT THE GESTATIONAL PERIOD: A METHODOLOGICAL STUDY. Cenas Educacionais, 7, e17734. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/17734



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