Universalization of education, Educational inclusion, Municipal Education PlanAbstract
This article is part of a broader research entitled “The Universalization of Inclusive Education in the Municipal Education Plan of Caetité-Bahia: problematizing discourses and actions” and is based on the analysis of discourses on the universalization of inclusive education in goal 4 of the Municipal Plan of Education (PME) in Caetité-BA. We take as a theoretical-methodological basis the theories and postulates of the French philosopher Michel Foucault, with the devices of knowledge, power and governmentality, to reflect on the process of constitution of discourses. Data was produced from interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. Three subjects who are part of the PME implementation were interviewed and three subjects representing Special and Inclusive Education in the Municipal Education Forum answered the questionnaire. The results point to a desire for truth to expand access in the inclusive perspective of students with disabilities to common education from the PME; as for the materialization of the strategies of the PME goal 4, the analysis shows a lack of knowledge or clarity of knowledge in the field of inclusive education, for the exercise of this knowledge; the actions proposed for the implementation of the PME goal 4 reveal themselves to be inconsistent in the context of schooling.
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