Beliefs and expectations, Language’s students, Spanish as a foreign languageAbstract
The purpose of this article is to investigate the beliefs and expectations of students of the degree course in Modern Languages at a Brazilian public University, located on the Brazil/Paraguay/Argentina border, focused on double training in Spanish and Portuguese as foreign languages. The focus of this study is on Spanish teaching, with the theoretical basis of Applied Linguistics in dialogue with sociolinguistic on student beliefs. Data were collected through questionnaires to undergraduates in the first semesters and interviews to graduates in the final semesters, and the results were analyzed qualitatively. It was found that the goals for undergraduates is to improve their linguistic knowledge of the two focus languages in the course, while the intention of being a Spanish teacher or using the language for work purpose was rarely mentioned. In the case of graduates, there is already a greater concern with their training to teach, with the mention that they would like to have more disciplines with a didactic-pedagogical focus. Regarding a career in the Spanish field, they often show feelings of fear and insecurity, both in terms of the labor to work with a foreign language and 'mastery' of the language skills. They manifest the need for greater valorization of the field for the integration desired by the university, as it is in a border region, showing that there are several challenges beyond the issue of knowledge of the language alone, even if this is, generally, the desire for most graduates in the beginning of the course.
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