

Narratives, School curriculum, Pibid, School internship, Technology


This experience report articulates knowledge and actions produced by Physical Education teachers who work in Middle and Higher Education, and University (undergraduate in Physical Education). The general objective of this study is to share Physical Education teaching practices produced in different stages of education, in the interfaces with technologies, and specifically to reflect on the challenges and possibilities for coping with complex situations (such as the period of non-face-to-face classes - Covid 19). To this end, Narrative Research was carried out from a rescue of descriptive and imagery memories shared by different subjects (students and teachers participating in the study) in the records from the pedagogical actions developed. The results were interpreted in the Studies in/from/with daily life and point to articulation with languages ​​(oral, corporal, technological, visual, artistic, musical, and others) as an essential tool for conducting remote work of course at school and university. Research and collaborative work stand out as axes of knowledge production and teacher training in Physical Education. In conclusion, the relevance of sharing meanings and experiences expressed by the narratives of the subjects involved (teachers and students) is affirmed, as training potentials that overflow from the curriculum field lived in the institutions and reverberate new connections, practices, realities, and production of knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Bethânia Alves Costa Zandomínegue, Professor in the Professional Master's Program in Physical Education in a National Network at the Federal University of Goiás - Brazil

Doctorate in Physical Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Member of the Research Groups: Goiás Gymnastics Community; the Childhood Learning Center and its Activities; and, from the Pedagogical Research Group in Physical Education.

Raquel Firmino Magalhães Barbosa, Teacher at Colégio Pedro II - Brazil

Doctor in Physical Education from the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Member of the Center for Learning from Children and Their Activities; the Research Group on Teaching, Learning, Interdisciplinarity and Innovation in Education; and, the Creativity, Inclusion and Pedagogical Innovation Laboratory


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How to Cite

Zandomínegue, B. A. C., & Barbosa, R. F. M. (2023). EXPERIENCES WITH REMOTE TEACHING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION: ARTICULATION, LANGUAGES AND TRAINING PROCESS. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e17030. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/17030

