Technology, Remote Teaching, Reading, Storytelling, Formation of readersAbstract
This paper presents discussions about the formation of readers mediated by technologies. It aims, in general, to discuss about teaching and reading practices mediated by technological tools during the pandemic of COVID-19. The study is configured as qualitative approach, field type, which uses as techniques for data collection the online questionnaire and semi-structured collective interview, held with two teachers of Primary Education - Early Years - of the state education network in the municipality of Pau dos Ferros/RN. The data indicate that the collaborating teachers understand reading in its broad sense, whose function is not limited to the mere decoding of the written code, and recognize the transforming power of literature and storytelling in the students' reading and human development. In addition, the teachers sought to use technological tools in their practices that would give students the opportunity to have contact with stories and the construction of knowledge in an interactive and playful way.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aparecida Suiane Batista Estevam, Diana Maria Leite Lopes Saldanha, Keutre Gláudia da Conceição Soares Bezerra
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