

Teaching-learning, Digital learning objects, English language


This article aims at reflecting on the learning theories relevant to this research supported by authors such as Piaget (1982) and Vygotsky (1989). Briefly present the characteristics of digital learning objects, based on the ideas of Leffa and Irala (2014), among others. And contextualize the technological movement in the pandemic context from Lévy (2010) and Gaya (2022). This initial conversation concerns the first phase of the Teacher Plus project and it is relevant to build the second stage of the research project, as well as to support the construction of the repository of digital learning objects for the English language course at UFPA-campus of Bragança.


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Author Biographies

Fabiana Pereira de Sousa, Specializing in Literature Theory and Text Production at Faculdade Focus - Brazil

Graduated in Letters – English from the Federal University of Pará. Member of the Research Group on Teaching and Training English Teachers.

Karina Figueiredo Gaya, Professor at the Federal University of Pará - Brazil

Doctorate in Linguistic Studies and Literary Studies from the Federal University of Pará. Member of the research group Functional-Descriptive Studies of Parkatêjê and Other Minority Languages.

Wevelly Thaissa Ribeiro Perotes, Specializing in Brazilian Literature at Faculdade Focus - Brazil

Graduated in Letters – English from the Federal University of Pará


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How to Cite

Sousa, F. P. de, Gaya, K. F., Oliveira, L. M. S. de, & Perotes, W. T. R. (2023). DIGITAL LEARNING OBJECTS: AN INITIAL CONVERSATION. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16979. Retrieved from




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