


Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Pedagogical Practice


This article aims to reflect on the pedagogical practice of Early Childhood Education teachers, regarding their attitudes and commitment to the work carried out within the educational space of this stage of Basic Education, seeking to understand the perceptions of teachers from the municipal public schools of Paragominas/PA, and relating theory to their practice. It is qualitative research, conducted in 4 (four) Early Childhood Education schools. For this research, a bibliographical survey, documentary analysis, and field research (interviews) were conducted, which contributed to understanding the perceptions, attitudes, and subjective aspects of the research participants. We conducted bibliographical research based on authors discussing the theme in question, and documentary research based on the analysis of documents from the Municipal Education Department. As a methodological procedure, interviews were conducted with Early Childhood Education teachers to investigate the proposed situation. The analysis of the corpus revealed pedagogical practice as a complex task, considering various factors that influence this activity, such as school planning organization, methodology, evaluation, among other elements that are part of the educational process. The results showed that Early Childhood Education teachers understand that pedagogical practice needs to be grounded in theoretical-practical knowledge and based on play and children's experiences, also supported by an "apparent" understanding of the standardization documents regarding Early Childhood Education.




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Author Biographies

Francisca Janice Silva, Doctoral student in Education at the State University of Pará - Brazil

Master in Education. Teacher in the State Education Network of Pará. Pedagogical Coordinator of the Municipal Education Network of Paragominas.

Tânia Regina Lobato dos Santos, Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Pará - Brazil

Doctorate in Education: History, Politics, Society from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

SILVA, F. J.; SANTOS, T. R. L. dos. PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PARAGOMINAS/PA. Cenas Educacionais, [S. l.], v. 7, p. e16933, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13821509. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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