

Remote Mathematics’ Classroom, Cyberspace, COVID-19, Historical-Cultural Theory of the Activity, Digital Technologies


One of the first pandemic outcomes in Brazil was academic calendar suspension. Teachers and undergraduates saw themselves in need of thinking about alternatives to access and share the valued historically and socially accumulated knowledge. Once stopped by this situation, and by being aware of the existing demand by the Mathematics field for the production of knowledge related to Probability teaching, we adjusted and provided the workshop in remote format. It was made available on a communication platform at a time when such a format was not yet popular. We were guided by the following enquiry: how could participation in the workshop, and made possible by the cyberspace, echo on a group of teachers and undergraduates? Thus, the herein reported investigation is methodologically based on assumptions of a qualitative research aimed at analyzing the material resulting from audio and video recordings, based on participant speeches’ transcriptions, as well as on answers in the workshop evaluation form. The analysis was theoretically supported by concepts found in the Historical-Cultural tradition. It has shown that participation echoed differently on distinct participants - this finding shows lack of consensus among them about whether is feasible, or not, if one has in mind Mathematics remote classroom. It has also shown that such differences are related to non-appropriation of some artifacts by several participants. Nevertheless, we have noticed that participants started seeing possibilities of actions right at the beginning of the remote classes, and it has pointed towards the fact that this appropriation could actually come true.


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Author Biographies

André Augusto Deodato, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Ouro Preto - Brazil

Doctorate in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Member of the Historical-Cultural Theory of Activity in Research in Education Group.

Marli Regina dos Santos, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education at the Federal University of Ouro Preto - Brazil

Doctorate in Mathematics Education from the São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Member of the Phenomenology Group in Mathematics Education.


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How to Cite

Deodato, A. A., & dos Santos, M. R. (2023). THE HORSE RACE WORKSHOP ADJUSTED TO THE REMOTE FORMAT: TEACHERS AND UNDERGRADUATES’ WEIGHING. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16555. Retrieved from



Experience Report