Curriculum, National Learning Standards, Spatial thinking, Geographical reasoningAbstract
The edition of the National Learning Standards (BNCC) in 2017/18 shifted the center of academic and curricular discussions about/for Geography at school towards analysis and practices about spatial thinking and geographical reasoning. This occurred due to the prominence of such elements in the Standards in the debate about the role and foundation of Geography in basic education. This centrality is consistent with the organization of the Standards around skills and competencies. In addition, with the secondary status of school subjects, as well as a stimulus to the contextualization of knowledge produced by the base, Geography, by claiming for itself a set of specific skills and abilities, legitimized its autonomy as necessary. In this way, this article, derived from the author's doctoral thesis, is dedicated to investigating the relationships between the more general meanings for education and learning at the BNCC and how these were translated into elements that legitimize the autonomy of Geography at school, the spatial thinking and geographic reasoning.
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