

Covid-19, Kids, Online Teaching, Learning, Coping Strategies


In this research aimed identify the impact of virtual education in the teaching process and children’s learning and coping strategies. The survey was carried out online, between June and September 2021, authorized by the Ethics Committee, according to the recommendations cited in the circular letter nº 1/2021-CONEP/CNS/MS, with 111 families residing in Bahia with children under 12 years of age diagnosed with COVID-19 any of the members. The research was approved by CEP (4.749.366). Data were analyzed in the SPSS through single frequency. Development/results: In this research, it was evident that among the 111 respondent families, some were able to follow the classes online, had access to electronic devices, they had good quality wi-fi, they had a computer and cell phone to monitor classes, had the presence of parentes available to help, had a reserved environment and some had no difficulties with the electronic device for being old. Through this study it was possible to conclude that the degree of difficulty related to school difficulties is low, which seems to be confirmed by socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, the study was relevant for thinking in policy strategies to help minimize potential negative consequences


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Author Biographies

Gabriele Dos Santos Nascimento Silva, Adventist College of Bahia - Brazil

Graduated in Nursing

Raniele Ferreira Da Silva Souza, Adventist College of Bahia - Brazil

Graduated in Nursing

Laryssa Nunes de Almeida, Adventist College of Bahia - Brazil

Graduated in Nursing

Antonia Tamára de Sousa Bispo, Faculdade Adventista da Bahia - Brasil

Graduada em Enfermagem

Anselmo Cordeiro de Souza, Professor at the Adventist College of Bahia - Brazil

Master in Health Promotion by the Adventist University Center of São Paulo

Elenilda Farias de Oliveira, Professor at the Adventist College of Bahia - Brazil

Doctorate in Nursing from the Federal University of Bahia. Nurse at the Municipal Health Network of Salvador.


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How to Cite

Menezes, K. A. T. de, Cintra, I. da S. F., Silva, G. D. S. N., Souza, R. F. D. S., Almeida, L. N. de, Bispo, A. T. de S., Souza, A. C. de, & Oliveira, E. F. de. (2023). IMPACT OF VIRTUAL EDUCATION ON THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF CHILDREN DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e15331. Retrieved from




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