Construction of Knowledge, Elementary School, Teaching-learning processAbstract
The construction of knowledge in a contextualized way with the childrens' reality and with a multiple society is a big challenge for Brazilian Education. The objective of this research is to understand the development of children's protagonism in the construction of scientific knowledge through pedagogical practice exploring storytelling in a public school. The research of qualitative character, developed in the methodology of Case Study, is based on the accomplishment and observation of the pedagogical practices in a class of 3º year of Elementary School, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The discussions take place in the context of the research developed by the research group Convivência e Tecnologia Digital na Contemporaneidade - COTEDIC UNILASALLE/CNPq. Empirical data are records of student activities and teacher notes. Thus, it reflects on the role of children in the construction of scientific knowledge through the development of hypotheses, experiences and cognitive action, and in storytelling for the contextualization of knowledge and the development of metaphors. From this research, we try to bring the student closer to scientific practice, refuting the idea that knowledge is ready, immutable and should only be memorized. Children's protagonism develops from pedagogical practices in which students have a voice; their knowledge legitimized, autonomy, cognitive action, authorship and critical sense are contemplated for the construction of new knowledge.
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