

Teaching, Health, Patient Safety, Job, Interprofessionality


The Education for Work Program provides students with an early insertion in health services, enabling a more comprehensive education. In the health area, interprofessional education presents itself as an important device for changing the training process towards a care centered on the users' needs. The objective is to report the experience of two years in the Education for Work Program PET-Saúde/Interprofessionalidade. Experience report of students, professionals and teachers, lived in different scenarios in the capital of Rondônia. The description of the activities and the individual perception of the participants was carried out based on four guiding questions. The activities were planned from the objective of promoting alignment and reflections on the theoretical-conceptual framework of Interprofessional Education and collaborative practices. Six competences were defined: Interprofessional Communication; Patient-family-community-centered care; Clarity of roles/functions; Team functioning; Collaborative Leadership; Interprofessional conflict resolution. The highlighted points were: discovery in learning from the other; reflection on their own role in the work team; recognition of the role of the other; perception of the need to be aware of the other; changes that go beyond the world of work and advance to the personal level; understand the transversality of interprofessionality and patient safety; attribution of meanings is particular to the experiences lived in the subjective, even if the actions have taken place in the collective. The activities and actions carried out by the group can be experienced in other scenarios, considering the easy-to-apply methodologies and accessible resources.


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Author Biographies

Priscilla Perez da Silva Pereira, Professora no Mestrado Profissional em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal de Rondônia - Brasil

Doutora em Ciências da Saúde pela Universidade de Brasília. Líder do Laboratório de Pesquisa sobre Cuidados em Saúde

Rosa Maria Ferreira Almeida, Doutoranda em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Enfermeira na Agência Estadual de Vigilância em Saúde de Rondônia. Docente no Centro Universitário São Lucas.

Priscila Martins da Silva Tourinho, Médica na Rede Estadual de Saúde de Rondônia - Brasil

Especialista em Medicina de Família e Comunidade pela Universidade Federal e Rondônia.

Filipe Souza de Azevedo, Professor na Universidade Federal de Rondônia - Brasil

Mestre em Saúde da Família pela Universidade Federal de Rondônia

Vanessa Ezaki, Biomédica na Agência Estadual de Vigilância em Saúde de Rondônia - Brasil

Especialização em Segurança do Paciente pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz.

Flaviane Regis de Souza Santana, Enfermeira na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Porto Velho - Brasil

Especialista em Gestão de Políticas de Saúde pelo Hospital Sírio-Libanês. 


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How to Cite

Pereira, P. P. da S., Fernandes, A. L. S. P., Ferreira, I. P. ., Oliveira, N. T., Almeida, R. M. F., Araújo, L. X. ., Tourinho, P. M. da S. ., Deus, J. C. ., Azevedo, F. S. de, Neira, C. P. D. ., Ezaki, V., Ramos, A. C. M. C. ., Santana, F. R. de S., & Gigli de Souza, A. (2021). TEACHING ABOUT PATIENT SAFETY IN PET-SAÚDE/INTERPROFESSIONALITY: EXPERIENCES IN THE NORTHERN BRAZIL. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e12451. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/12451



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