

Games and Toys, Videogames, Motor Activity


Digital games cover a variety of forms and are designed for multiple platforms. This article aims to bring the knowledge of the industry and the academy closer to the development of educational digital games, through design proposals for the development of a model that will base the composition of an educational game design document (EGDD) involving exergames. This is an applied descriptive research. As for data analysis, it fits the qualitative type. Its methodological approach will be conducted through Design Science Research. The article is proposed with a study on the information of a Game design document, the essential elements of digital games, and the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning will also be addressed.


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Author Biography

Jonas Godtsfriedt, Doctoral Student in Human Movement Sciences at the State University of Santa Catarina

Master in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. University technician at the University of the State of Santa Catarina. Participating member of the Health, Education, Movement & Evolution Research Group.


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How to Cite

Godtsfriedt, J. (2021). GAME DESIGN FOR EDUCATION-ORIENTED EXERGAMES. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e11170. Retrieved from



Thematic Dossier