Integrative facet of the PROFMAT Problem Solving curricular component at the Federal University of Western Bahia: A quantitative analysis
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This article presents the integrative facet of the Problem Solving curricular component of the PROFMAT master's degree at the Federal University of Western Bahia in relation to the other curricular components. Through a study of students' academic performance, we measure its relationship with the other components, and whether there is causality. We carry out a descriptive analysis, followed by an inferential analysis to compare average earnings and present statistical regression modeling assuming the Problem Solving component as the response variable and the other components as explanatory variables, to detect which components actually explain your performance and its integrative character in the context of the curricular matrix. The database was obtained via request to PROTIC-UFOB without the students' nominal identification. Regarding the results, the descriptive analysis showed that the Educational Assessment curricular component presented the highest average performance and the lowest variability (Coefficient of Variation: CV=3.2%) and the Probability and Statistics curricular component presented the lowest average performance and the greater variability (Coefficient of Variation: CV=26.3%). Regarding inferential analysis through analysis of variance (ANOVA), we found that there is a significant difference between the average yields of the curricular components taught in PROFMAT-UFOB (p-value < 0.05). Within the scope of statistical regression modeling, the curricular components that, in fact, contribute or influence the academic performance of the Problem Solving component are two (i) Discrete Mathematics and (ii) Real Numbers and Functions, characterizing the current integrating facet of the component.
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