
Mots-clés :

Disabilities, Sports, Adventure, Accessibility, Questionnaire


Adventure sports is more than a sport and is a kind of lifestyle; however, little is known about the practice of athletes with disabilities. This article shows, based on the adventure/extreme sports athlete with a disability's comprehension, and learn about their challenges and motivations. With the qualitative method, 14 athletes answered an open online questionnaire. Quality of life, love by sport and freedom sensation were considered the main motivators for practice; adrenaline and adventure were the main reasons for choosing the modality; and the main inspiration was athletes with a disability. Notwithstanding, they scored many accessibility barriers (physical and nonphysical) that were overcome by willpower. Thus, the practice of adventure sport by such athletes is an achievement. It is the guarantee of citizenship even if based on overcoming and therefore considered a transgressive act.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Camila Fabiana Rossi Squarcini, Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Santa Cruz State University - Brazil

Doctorate in Physical Education by the Federal University of Santa Catarina

Ana Clara Sampaio Torres, Campinas State University - Brasil

Graduated in Sport Sciences

Victor Sanz-Milone, Doctoral student in Physical Education at the State University of Campinas - Brazil

Master in Physical Education

Andrea Maculano Esteves, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition Sciences and Sport and Metabolism and at the Postgraduate Program in Physical Education at the State University of Campinas - Brazil

Doctorate in Sciences from the Federal University of São Paulo


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Comment citer

Rossi Squarcini, C. F., Sampaio Torres, A. C., Sanz-Milone, V., & Maculano Esteves, A. (2023). BEING AN ADVENTURE SPORT PARATHLETE IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: MOTIVATIONS AND CHALLENGES. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16860. Consulté à l’adresse

