Accessibility, Science Teaching, Botany Teaching, InclusionAbstract
This material was thought and developed to function as an auxiliary tool in the classes of Botany, especially on the topic diversity of plants. Being able, therefore, to provide teachers the possibility of performing practical activities that make the Teaching of Botany more attractive and dynamic in Basic Education. It is estimated that, with it, the teacher can approach contents of Botany in a contextualized way and consistent with the formation of critical thinking of students, as well as with the intention to develop the sense of belonging to the environment. The Educational Product presented here in the form of Didactic Sequence (SD), aims to provide material to teachers who teach Botany content in Basic Education, so that they have a reference for planning and preparation of practical classes that contribute to a more meaningful and effective Teaching of Botany in the process of teaching and learning of students. In addition, it is also considered the civic education of students as one of the relevant factors in the elaboration and execution of the activities proposed here, associating elements of Botany with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by the UN. Because, it is intended to contribute to the process of socio-environmental awareness of students.
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