

Quilombolas children, Identity, Discrimination, Resistence.


This text is a product of the conference table: Departing and returning to make a difference - in discussion PhD professors from the Department, held on the V Interdisciplinary Seminar of Education, Extension and Research, which happened between the 28th and 30th of August 2019 by the Department of Human Sciences, on VI-Caetité Campus of University of the State of Bahia. It concerns an interdisciplinary study on the identity construction of the quilombola children of the Sambaíba community, since the beginning, a research with the children and not about them, in which the considerations enabled the understanding of how dialogue between anthropology and education has been appropriating the problematization of the social relations, involving infancies. My theoretic-methodological journey has found a path to the plural infancy conception on ethnography. The research has led me to a few findings, not all conclusive, but thought-provoking: there are a countless meanings made opportunistic by the children’s storytelling; it is a study on plural identities; which are built during the school/community/children interaction process of/from the quilombo; where the adjective quilombola has a discriminatory meaning; in which the construction of these identities rebound in the discrimination confrontational ways on multicultural school environments. I then concluded that this self-affirmation is painful and ever changing between “being and not being”, depending on the place in which the children are and with whom they connect identity is more, or less, evident. The absence of a quilombola education and of physically and pedagogically structured school for this end, make the institutionalized education of these children difficult, since they do not see each other represented and respected for their knowledge and actions, therefore being excluded from the process.


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Author Biography

Luciete de Cássia Souza lima Bastos, Professora no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino, Linguagem e Sociedade da Universidade do Estado da Bahia - Brasil

Doutora em Educação. Mestra em Estudos Literários. Graduada em Letras. 


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How to Cite

BASTOS, L. de C. S. lima. LISTENING TO THE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE TO PROMOTE THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE ACADEMIC THINKING AND DOING. Cenas Educacionais, [S. l.], v. 3, p. e8359, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.



Thematic Dossier