Women. University. Ingress. Permanence. DifficultiesAbstract
This work had as objective to analyze, from the specificities of the female condition, as it happens the ingress, the permanence and the participation of women who are “mothers, wives, housewives or working women”, in the education department – Campus XII, University State of Bahia. The analysis of the data presented here is based predominantly on the assumptions of the qualitative approach, which aided in understanding the breadth of the context of the problem. Considering that this is a field research, we used questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to identify the profile of students who study Higher Education in Campus XII. In order to determine the data collected, we used the technique of content analysis because it is a multiple verification of meanings about the same phenomenon. The results indicate that today the problems have been masked in very subtle ways, becoming more difficult to be problematized and because of this the women are confronted with battles that they themselves do not know that they need to be fought, with the greatest adversary being naturalization of its situation, because it leads to a state of inability to deny some of its rights, and this prevents the change from happening. The discussions made throughout the text also showed that the profile of women has changed, as well as their functions in society and because of this; the academy can no longer make this public invisible, because in the presence of a numerical predominance and substantial majority, they act as protagonists in diverse environments, and also in their own lives.Downloads
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