Discourse analysis, discourse about languages, bilingualism, plurilingualism, UNILA.Abstract
Bilingual education in plurilingual utterance spaces (GUIMARÃES, 2002, 2006) has always been a challenge, since discursive disputes put at stake complex questions involving identity, interculturality, language rights and discrimination. To which extent the discourses about bilingualism are presented as a regime of formal truth? The objective of the research was to understand how the notion of bilingualism at UNILA is presented in official documents. In the face of this, this research has as the objective to present an analysis of UNILA’s official documents compared with other discursive materialities from which we analyse the terms “bilingualism” and “bilingual”. This study entails as a theoretical-methodological premise the discourse analysis field, the starting point of understanding the discourses about languages at UNILA, the formal and nonformal knowledge about the manner of how they are treated and how they work in different utterance spaces. Our hypothesis is that of, despite declaring a proposal of bilingual education, in practice, UNILA does not present a desirable balance between the teaching of languages towards the community, even though it acknowledges the need of valuing language diversity and plurilingualism as a policy integrated towards intercultural education.Downloads
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