University. Formation. Interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree.Abstract
The present study demonstrates the conceptions of interdisciplinarity in the Brazilian university project and also in the formation of the students while focusing on how interdisciplinarity concepts have been appropriated and how they have won materiality in the pedagogical projects of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor degrees of the Federal University of Bahia – UFBA. Thus, this paper intends to perform a qualitative analysis of the relevant aspects regarding to the theme interdisciplinarity, with emphasis on the questions inherent to the role of the Brazilian university in the formation of individuals prepared to be answering to the needs and concerns of the current labor world in a perspective of a globalized economy. The study was based on Almeida Filho e Santos (2008); Fazenda (2000, 2008 e 2011); Pombo (1992, 2004a, 2004b, 2008 e 2011), Klein (1996, 1998, 2010 e 2014), Lima, Azevendo e Catani (2008); Morosini (2006) e UFBA, 2008, as well as, through documental analysis of the Pedagogical Projects of the Interdisciplinary Bachelor's Degrees of the Federal University of Bahia. Although the results show some advances in the Brazilian educational sector, such as curricular innovation and flexibility, thus opening new possibilities for curricular reorganization in the perspective of the interdisciplinarity model, they also point out to fragilities in the orienting documents towards a professional formation of interdisciplinary nature, once they do not emphasize the essential elements of interdisciplinarity.Downloads
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