

, teachers’ training models, reflective practices, theory and practice, educational policy, Portugal.


Since they started to be introduced in the 70s, all initial teachers’ training reforms in Portugal were geared to make some form of specifically professional training compulsory and/or to increase the share of professional training within training as a whole. Teachers’ training was then transferred to a university setting (“universitisation”), a shift that enhanced their academic dimension, which ended up assuming greater importance than professional training as such. The reason for this trend was the desire for more uniform patterns of training, so that it could correspond to national and international quality standards. As training became increasingly focused on outcomes, more than on processes, so its effects were also more and more disappointing as regards both changing teachers’ practices and developing the kind of skills they were supposed to promote together with their own students. Indeed, the role of the teacher has rapidly shifted from someone transferring knowledge to someone guiding students, which means that teachers are expected to adopt a different view of their role, and a different answer to the question who am I as a teacher? Teacher educators must be able to make a clear case for reflection as an outcome above and beyond its short-term instrumental value. Given this context, the paper intends to discuss whether or not the prevailing training strategies are unable to bridge theory and practice and, therefore, are also unsuccessful to develop the skills which are stated by national educational policies.


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Author Biography

Fernando Alexandre, Doutor em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade Aberta - Portugal

Técnico Superior da Equipa de Projetos Interdisciplinares e Formação da Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar do Ministério da Educação de Portugal. É investigador integrado do Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais (CEMRI), da Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Alexandre, F. (2018). THEORY AND PRACTICE IN INITIAL TEACHERS’ TRAINING IN PORTUGAL. Cenas Educacionais, 1(2), 57–104. Retrieved from



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