Interdisciplinary, university teaching, communication, totalityAbstract
This paper identifies the perceptions of university professors about teaching practices interdisciplinary experiences in this level of education and constitutes a clip of a postdoctoral research whose theoretical object of study was interdisciplinary. From the empirical point of view, data were collected on how interdisciplinary is present in Education Sciences and Pedagogy courses teaching at a Portuguese and a Brazilian University. Regarding the theoretical basis, the study parts from two interdisciplinary conceptions, namely the historical-dialectical conception and the a-historical conception. With regard to methodological options, data were collected through open-end questionnaire surveys. The answers from these questionnaires were analysed by the content analysis technique and allowed to conclude, on the one hand, that teachers recognize the need to avoid a a-historical interdisciplinary processes and practices but, on the other hand, that there are several factors that make it difficult in university education needing to be overcome.Downloads
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